November 08, 2007

llorona beloved
this is the first of a series i am taking of a modern tale of la llorona i am writing, one in which we see the beauty that could be behind this story, one that is not so steeped in mysogeny, like this and the medea story, i intend to create images that will show llorona as the spirit of a loving mother who protects all children in an effort to pay retribution and homage to those she lost in life. models for this are: cori martinez, and my nephew Marcus Alejandro Xavier Rath.

© 10-2007 piamedea productions unlimited

llorona strikes

one of the first in a series of llorona images i am creating, for this one i went with the original version of the tale from mexican folklore, of 'la llorona'. my model here is a young friend of my nephew's, Cori martinez, and my own son, andrees mogollon, is the collapsed child in the tire swing. taken for the flickr group assignment indiana october theme 'spooky'.

©10-2007 piamedea productions unlimited

November 07, 2007

familia muerta

familia muerta: tucson all souls procession 1999
my sweet sonm andrees mogollon, in my arms, this photo was taken by a U of A Wildcat photographer. My ex and local coreographer and dancer, jon mcnamara is in the background.